Characters, one of my favourite things in a game, film or book. Ever since I was little I always wanted to be an archaeologist like Lara Croft or be able to levitate a stone like Luke Skywalker. I enjoy seeing development and designs of characters, seeing how they evolve and how they evolve even further within the world they exist in.
One of the first characters I ever got attached to was Lara Croft. I can remember playing Tomb Raider and just wishing I could climbs rocks like her and somersault. What made her even ‘cooler’ was the fact she had guns. Not only could she do the gymnastics but she was lethal as well and she was a woman. Sure she had the short shorts and the big pixelated boobs but who cared she could kick ass. As more Tomb Raider game came out Lara could do more things, making her even more cooler. The older I got the more I realised it was that she was ‘cool’ it was the fact she could do all these things that I could never do.
For me the main reason for liking characters is because they can do things I can’t. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Nariko from Heavenly Sword, Luke Skywalker from Star Wars could all do things I couldn’t and just being them for a moment through watching TV or playing a game gave me that quick escape from reality. Fantasy stories are my favourite purely because I can read into the character and escape that reality that glooms over.
When it comes to interesting characters I think an appearance is key. They have to look interesting but not out of place. Also they need to have some form of personality. When it comes to films a script is definitely needed aswell as an actor and I also feel a lot of games need actors and scripts. I loved the character design for Nariko and the fact that had a proper actor to voice her meant she was more interesting. An example of needing some form of acting skill would be the original Devil May Cry, when Dante screams out “I should have been the one to fill ur dark sould with LIGHT” the actor was so bad, it just sounded so fake and amusing. (