Tuesday, 10 May 2011


Many people have a wide range of inspirations. I personally have quite a few but one of my favourite things that inspire me is nebulae. A nebula is a cloud of dust and ionized gases. It is also the place where unicorns come from.

Nebula are often come in a large array of colour and come in many different shapes and sizes. It is this that makes them a large interest for me.

Take this nebula, the Omega Nebula. It has such a large array of different colours, textures and shapes. It has the blue which has a different texture to the golden clouds in the front. It also has the stars coming through adding sharpness to the picture. It looks as though it could have been painted rather than photographed through a telescope.I lost inspiration when working on my final major project and spent a few hours looking up nebulae. I then decided to digipaint a set of 3 and then incorporated them at a later date into a set of 3 paintings to go on the wall of the shop. After spending the few hours venting and throwing colour all over the place I felt motivated enough to go back to my Final Major Project.

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